Seeing Talents

Based on AI and blockchain technology.

Capacity Assessment

Genius begins with questions.

The effectiveness of each capacity building project will vary from person to person, which is why capacity assessment is key to any capacity building project. To solve this “key” issue in enterprise innovation, we offer “Qgenius Assessment” app, a trusted technology-based ability assessment testing platform. We are providing testing support services for projects such as the “United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Innovation and Product Management Project” and welcome your organization to join this capacity assessment system.

The pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.

Federico Fellini

3rd Gen Qgenius Certificate

Driven by AI technology

If the first generation Qgenius certificate was closer to a traditional “Micro-Credentials” certificate, then the second generation Qgenius certificate used blockchain technology, making the process of learning, assessment and testing more trustworthy. Now, with the development of AI technology, the third generation certificate has been launched. Based on the our AITEMPLE Knowledge Graph Model, it makes the capacity building process dynamic. When you get a third generation Qgenius certificate, it will be a “living” certificate.

Qgenius Assessment

Take exams at home

The new generation “Qgenius Assessment” online examination system supports unattended invigilation. Candidates no longer have to travel thousands of miles to take exams at assessment centers. All you need is an iOS device and an exam number to conveniently complete the exam.。

Qgenius Certification

Qgenius certification can help you achieve your career goals. It is an excellent way to enhance your earning potential, drive career success, and stand out from the crowd.