June 19, 2019May 1, 2023Insights Saar: The entanglement and imbalance of the left and right brain creates a CEO The human brain is divided into two different hemispheres, left and right, and entrepreneurs are no exception. “Most CEOs in China work […]
June 4, 2019May 2, 2023Hot What is Capacity Building? The purpose of capacity building is to promote the improvement of individual or organizational business capabilities. This is a problem that needs […]
March 22, 2019May 1, 2023Insights Right brain overthrows left brain “New Right” Manifesto Our economy and society are transitioning from an information age based on logical, linear, computer-like abilities to a conceptual […]
April 25, 2016May 1, 2023Insights Everyone becomes an “Innovation Officer” If you want to stimulate high-quality original thinking within an organization, the key is to get more people talking. To be clear, […]