A certificate is a way to visualize abilities, turning abstract abilities into tangible proof documents. Therefore, certificates are very important for job hunting, but there are many certificates we can consider, such as various professional qualification certificates, professional skill certificates, and even new capacity building certificates. So what are the differences between these certificates? In fact, professional qualification certificates, professional […]
Qgenius致力于为创新企业培养创新管理人才。我们的使命是帮助未来企业领袖掌握新的创新管理思想和方法。 Qgenius® 服务于创新者,我们的核心业务是为为个人和企业提供创新能力建设和能力测评服务。我们致力于推动颠覆式创新,以帮助创新者应对高速变化的外部世界,并实现真正的可持续发展。 我们的业务围绕能力建设展开,主要有三大块: 1、我们是联合国训练研究所CIFAL中心的项目合作伙伴。“联合国可持续发展目标创新及产品管理能力建设项目(UCPM)”是由联合国训练研究所CIFAL中心推出的国际化创新及产品管理专业人才能力建设体系。2019年我们同联合国训练所CIFAL中心正式签约,引进UCPM等证书项目,并负责课程合作和项目学习平台的运营。 2、我们面向企业推出了“骐麟俊才”创新管理课程。这是一系列围绕“颠覆式创新”的专题内训课程,对应了企业创新的常见“杠杆点”,一次解决一个专项问题。课程中,我们将为企业各级管理人员筛清错误和过时的管理概念,同时搭建新的颠覆性创新能力体系,并掌握让企业完成创新变革的新方法。 3、我们自主开发了“Qgenius测评”,一个基于可信技术的能力测评考试平台。这个平台正在为“联合国可持续发展目标创新及产品管理项目”等提供考试支持服务。同时,“Qgenius测评”也是一个开放平台,我们用授权模式和第三方机构合作来提供考试服务。 所有这些业务的核心目的在于推动中国企业管理者掌握“颠覆式创新”的理论、流程和方法。通过创新这个关键杠杆推动中华民族伟大复兴和全球可持续发展的进程。 我们身处一个创新的时代。创新,从来是一条艰险之路。如果您有志于在这条崎岖之路上前进,你不是孤独的。我们,以及千千万万个创新企业家都会在这条道路上和您一起砥砺前行。
What is your App Privacy Policy?
The App Privacy Policy stipulates as follows: App 隐私政策规定如下: Our applications respect and protect the privacy rights of all users who use our services. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, the software will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. However, the software will treat such information […]
QGENIUS Obtains Blockchain Information Service Filing Number
On November 4, 2019, the QGENIUS Trusted Evaluation System officially passed the national blockchain information service filing review and obtained an official filing number. According to the “Regulations on the Management of Blockchain Information Services” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) issued by the National Internet Information Office on January 10, 2019. Blockchain information service providers should fulfill their filing […]
What is Qgenius’ website privacy policy?
Qgenius respects your personal privacy. This policy outlines the personal information that can be collected and how it is used. It also explains other important matters related to your privacy. Scope of Privacy Policy Includes how Qgenius handles personal identification information left on its servers after users log in or submit information to its website, as well as other identification […]
1、网站有严格的用户注册、信息审核、应急处置、安全防护等管理制度,用户应严格遵守。 2、本网站对所使用区块链上信息的发布、记录、存储、传播有权进行审核和控制。 3、本网站依据法律制定并公开管理规则和平台公约,与服务使用者签订服务协议,明确双方权利义务,服务使用者承诺遵守法律规定和平台公约。 4、本网站按照《中华人民共和国网络安全法》的规定,对用户进行基于组织机构代码、身份证件号码或者移动电话号码等方式的真实身份信息认证。用户不进行真实身份信息认证的,区块链信息服务提供者不得为其提供相关服务。 5、本网站在开发上线新产品、新应用、新功能的区块链信息服务时,会按照有关规定报国家和省、自治区、直辖市互联网信息办公室进行安全评估。 6、任何用户不得利用区块链信息服务从事危害国家安全、扰乱社会秩序、侵犯他人合法权益等法律、行政法规禁止的活动,不得利用区块链信息服务制作、复制、发布、传播法律、行政法规禁止的信息内容。
Chongqing Hotline: QGENIUS, a Talent Ability Evaluation Certificate Based on Bitcoin
The QGENIUS certificate is a talent ability evaluation certificate based on Bitcoin encryption. Blockchain can be seen as an electronic ledger that uses encryption and tamper-proof technology. Currently, the world’s largest blockchain project is Bitcoin, which is also recognized as the king in terms of security. If we store our learning information in Bitcoin’s electronic ledger, such as when we […]