February 14, 2024February 14, 2024Insights Vision Pro: The Shattering of Apple’s User Experience Myth Success is a poor teacher. In my view, the Apple Vision Pro is a failure in interaction design. It’s as though they’re […]
December 24, 2023December 24, 2023Insights From Clicks to Collaboration: AI Redefines the Fabric of Interaction Design In the AI era, interaction design truly comes into its own! Many have come to realize that AI, particularly generative AI, has […]
July 4, 2023July 4, 2023Insights UX is not a job position Treating User Experience (UX) as a job position is actually a misconception of what UX truly is. However, this misunderstanding is quite […]
June 29, 2023June 29, 2023Insights What is the Definitive Definition of “User Experience”? User experience (UX) is a core concept in the field of products and services. However, the term is often misunderstood, with many […]
June 27, 2023June 27, 2023Insights The Alibaba Conundrum: A Matter of User Experience Alibaba may not lack money, technology, products, leaders, or strategy, but its fundamental problem lies in one aspect: poor user experience. For […]
June 25, 2023June 25, 2023Insights The Key to Innovation Lies in Not Innovating When we hear the word “innovation,” we often associate it with the application of new technologies to create new products. However, the […]
May 10, 2023May 10, 2023Insights In the Age of AI, User Experience is Key to Product Success When most people think of AI products, the first things that come to mind are algorithms, models, data, and computing power. But […]
April 1, 2023May 6, 2023Insights Are Designers all “Crazy”? Are designers all “crazy”? Well, let me tell you – the only difference between them is whether they know it or not. […]
February 23, 2023April 30, 2023Consulting Where Is the “leverage” in Product Development? Innovation is a systemic issue. But as systems thinking emphasizes, to make systemic change happen, you must first find the “leverage” of […]
November 7, 2021On-site 用户体验,从洞察用户到产品设计 – 创新公司内训课程 课程简介: 用户体验是今天企业和产品成功的关键因素之一。掌握用户体验的理论、流程和具体方法可以帮助相关管理人员和技术人员显著提升产品开发的成功率。本课程是一个高度实践的课程。我们将和您一起通过“工作坊”(Workshop)的形式弥补知识和技能的短板。我们鼓励学员带着创意进入课程学习,并在学习中将创意最终实践落地。通过课程, 你会对自我有更清晰的认知,能够真正深入理解用户,并对公司和高层管理者的决策会有更深刻的理解。您将学习到新的用户体验方法和流程,结识到一群志同道合的伙伴。更重要的是,在工作之余,你可以将自己的想法通过学习和实践并加以落地,在自我表达和商业实现中找到平衡点。 谁应当参加: 需要掌握用户体验流程和方法的管理人员和技术人员,如产品经理、设计师等。 课程说明: 本课程为面向创新类企业的非公开课程,仅向符合条件企业开放报名。您可以联系我们的“授权培训机构”以确定您的企业是否符合报名标准。 课程大纲: 我们仅向企业提供详细课程大纲,请点击下列按钮申请详细课程介绍资料。 免费资料 课程时间: 可定制。建议4天,每天8小时。 考核和证书: 学习完成后颁发课程证书,并授予5学分。 累计满20学分,并通过考核,颁发“QCIO首席创新官”证书。 同时,本课程所获学分开可以用于报考联合国训练研究所CIFAL中心的UCUXD用户体验设计师和UCPD产品总监证书。 证书样本