When we hear the word “innovation,” we often associate it with the application of new technologies to create new products. However, the reality is that such approach often leads to failure. True innovators understand a fundamental principle: the key to innovation lies in not innovating.
The reason behind this lies in the user’s mindset. When people are confronted with something new, they are often hesitant to embrace it immediately. We question whether the new technology or product will truly deliver the promised benefits. Naturally, we need to conduct research, but since it’s a new product, we lack reliable examples and data to validate our decision-making process. We find ourselves unable to make a definitive judgment. In such situations, people tend to say, “Let’s wait and see.” However, this is bad news for innovators. Everyone becomes a spectator, but no one is willing to pay for the new product. Without revenue, the fate of innovative products is doomed.
In fact, the greater the degree of innovation, the greater the resistance in the user’s mindset. Being too far ahead, even just one step, can lead to failure. Successful innovators, on the other hand, often stay half a step ahead. Hence, during the innovation process, it is crucial to control the “degree” of innovation.
One of the ways to achieve this control is through user experience. On one hand, user research helps us understand the user’s mindset, enabling us to design product innovations based on their mental processes. This involves utilizing methods such as behavioral design and design thinking. Finally, usability testing and other user research methods are employed to validate the innovation. All these fall within the scope of user experience work.
There are common misconceptions about user experience, with some assuming it is solely about interface design or a subjective feeling. However, these understandings are incorrect. User experience is a professional term that encompasses a comprehensive set of theories, processes, tools, and methods across various fields.
In fact, good user experience is the key to successful innovation. Professional user experience guides product design by understanding the user’s mindset, enabling them to recognize the value of the innovation. Often, the only way for innovation to be accepted by the user’s mindset is by knowing their “old” mindset and using it as a guide. Thus, the key to innovation lies in not innovating.